8 min amrap
25 handstand push ups / 50 push ups
me cal row / ski / bike
2 min rest
8 min amrap
50 burpees
me cal row / ski / bike
2 min rest
8 min amrap
75 situps
me cal row / ski / bike
double under practice
4 x 8 im supersatz
4 barbell push press
+ 4 power jerk
8 filly push press right
+ 8 filly push press left
(kb push press, db frontrack
held in the other hand)
tc:15 min / 3 rounds
buy in 50 double unders / 125 single unders
5 cluster 50/35
10 alternating db snatches 22,5/15
20 pistol squats / 50 air squats
strength 5 x 8
+ 5 x 12 accessory work
pause back squat (from floor + climbing sets)
kb or db lunge (goblet hold)
tc:10 min / 10 - 20 - 30
back squats 50/35
3 rounds with stick
10 shoulder rotation
10 behind the neck press
10 overhead squat
3 x 5 snatch balance
20 min amrap
5 hang power snatches 40/30
5 overhead squats 40/30
20/15 cal row/ski
or 200 m run
or 500/400 m bike
or 15/12 air bike