handstand push ups
gymnastic conditioning
4 sets
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
10 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
20 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
60 sec rest
tc: 10 min
20 min amrap
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
10 wallballs
every 2 min for 5 rounds
5 backsquats
every 2 min for 10 rounds
24/18 cal row (sprint)
30 min amrap
100 double unders
80/60 cal row
60 dual db deadlifts
40 toes to bar
20 dual db thrusters
gymnastic conditioning
every minute on the minute
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
note: reps need to be unbroken
7 rounds // 2 min on : 1 min off
10 power snatches
me devil press