Mittwoch 23.06


handstand push up work

6 rounds // rest 1:1

6 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
6 push jerks
6 burpees over bar
non-equipped wod

8 rounds

4 wall walks
8 table rows
12 jumping lunges

Dienstag 22.06


gymnastics conditioning

3 sets

x toes to bar
15 sec rest
x toes to bar
15 sec rest
x toes to bar
60 sec rest

note: try to stay consistent with the reps

for time // chipper

60/45 cal row (10 sec work // 20 sec rest)
60 wallballs
60 alternating db sntaches
non-equipped wod

15 min amrap

10 push ups
15 burpee high jump
20 high jumps

Montag 21.06


every 2:30 min for 5 rounds

8 paused backsquats (2 sec pause in bottom postion)
30 sec work // 30 sec rest
10 rounds

3 clean and jerks
9 box jumps over
non-equipped wod

5 rounds

1 min burpees
1 min air squats
1 min lunges
1 min sit ups
1 min rest

Sonntag 20.06


25 min amrap // steady pace

60/45 cal row
40 alternating db clean and jerks
20 burpees over rower

core work

6 min amrap for quality

20 sec forearm plank
20 sec arch hold
non-equipped wod

20 min amrap

10 one legged glute bridges right leg
10 one legged glute bridges left leg
30 step ups on obstacle

core work

7 min amrap (for quality)

10 hollow rocks
20 dead bugs




CrossFit SG
Am Eisenwerk 41
30519 Hannover
Tel.: 01575 2468844




Mo. & Fr.: 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Mi.: 6:30 - 7:30 Uhr & 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Di. & Do.: 7:00 - 9:00 Uhr


Mo., Di., Mi. & Do.: 16:00 - 21:30 Uhr

Fr.: 15:00 - 19:00 Uhr


Sa. & So.: 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr



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