lift off prep
in a 15 min window
5 x 5 deadlift
every 2 min for 10 rounds
20 - 40 double unders
10 dual db push press
30 min amrap
100/75 cal row
80 box jump overs
60 pull ups
40 burpees over rower
gymnastic conditioning
4 sets
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
60 sec rest
20 min amrap
20 wallballs
20 double unders
20 burpees
lift off prep
in a 15 min window
5 x 5 backsquat
every 2 min for 8 rounds
24 - 48 double unders
12 thruster (only barbell)