gymnastic conditioning
5 sets
x handstand push ups
20 sec rest
x handstand push ups
40 sec rest
note: reps need to be unbroken
cfsg emom mash
16 min emom
1 min x cross overs
2 min x dual db thruster 22,5/15
3 min x pull ups
4 min x rest
block run
gymnastic conditioning
5 sets
x toes to bar
20 sec rest
x toes to bar
40 sec rest
note: reps need to be unbroken
15 min amrap
50 push ups
100 air squats
block run
push vs pull
5 rounds // emom
x right arm db row + x air squats
x left arm db row + x alternating lunges
sg games prep
10 min alternating emom
x toes to bar
x cal row
3 min rest
30 toes to bar
tc: 4 min
60/45 cal row
tc: 4 min
block run
weightlifting conditioning
grace retest
15 min emom
1 min x double unders
2 min x shuttle runs
3 min x dual db box step overs 22,5/15
block run