gymnastic conditioning
4 sets
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec pause
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec pause
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
45 sec pause
20 min amrap
20/15 cal row
15 wallballs
10 alternating hang db clean and jerk
5 devil press
4 sets
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec pause
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec pause
3 - 5 toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
45 sec pause
20 min amrap
20/15 cal row
15 wallballs
10 alternating hang db clean and jerk
5 devil press